Saturday, 20 December 2014

Hebrews 13:2


  1. You've found the perfect picture again! I have a feeling you are good at showing hospitality too. :)

  2. Beautiful verse and photo. I agree with Mari, you are very kind and I'm thankful for your friendship.

  3. I would love to sit in one of those beautiful rockers and have sweet fellowship with you, dear Lauren.
    I think of that verse so often as we really do not know when God brings someone into our lives that they may be angels unawares.
    We live out in the country, and many times we have strangers appear at our front door needing help. During those times I often wonder...

    Have a beautiful rest of the day.

  4. Oh, I have heard this before. Wouldn't that be something, my friend? By the way, I love this house and front porch.


  5. This is one of my favorite Scriptures. It reminds me that God places people in my paths. Will I focus on myself or share His love with all whom I encounter? I love this picture!!!

  6. Hi Lauren, this is one my all time favorite versus and I think of it as I meet new people along my way.
    Thank you for sharing and wishing you a special Christmas week.
    Blessings to you and yours!XO

  7. I have always loved this verse! And your photo is so charming, my friend :) Thank you for sharing!

  8. A lovely picture, Lauren. Hospitality is something I've learned much about through our friendship. Hugs to you, my friend.
