Friday, 22 August 2014

Proverbs 31:9


  1. Reading your words of wisedom from the Holy Bible, reminds me of my father.He read the hole Bible 34 times, 2 chapters a day, and he would always read out loud when he found something that caught his attention. He would also mark and comment in the marge while reading. There were two big Bibles after him, my brother got one and I the other. I'm not that systematic reader, though I have fulfulled 2 times reading the whole Bible. Now I like to "browse",searching and looking up my special places. Even so, the Scripture itself have that living power of renewal all the time. I so like the way your wonderful photographies underlines the text.

  2. Hi Lauren! This Proverb is a call to action, isn't it? get out there and use my voice for right. For those who don't have a voice...very powerful.
    Have a powerful weekend!

  3. HI Lauren, this is very powerful and one we need to all be mindful of.
    Beautiful Photo!!
    Have a nice weekend.

  4. What a cool picture with the purple bird and the black and white back ground. This verse hit home or me today, as I used to work with the homeless, providing them with food and supplies. I met many nice people along the way who worked with me also, and it was a good experience in my life.

