Monday 5 January 2015

Proverbs 20:5


  1. Oh wow, I love this, Lauren! The verse is brilliant with the photo :) May the Lord richly bless you, sweet friend. Have a beautiful week. HUGS!

  2. Oh... isn't that just a beautiful inspiring verse!

    Sweet blessings to you dear Lauren.

    Joy! Debbie

  3. Thank you for sharing this verse. I am definitely placing it on my heart today and will be mindful of my words and how I am impacting those around me. Love to you, sweet friend!

  4. Deep. The Lord knows it all before we think or speak it.

  5. Your photos are amazing. Such a wonderful verse filled with inspiration.
    Blessings for a wonderful week!

  6. Oh I love this verse...speaks to me of a deep abiding friendship...those who know us so well that even though we say everything is fine they know it is not and are able to gently draw from us what it is that ails us. Lovely, dear Lauren, just lovely.

  7. I think I just might need someone to draw some of that deep water out.... Reminding me I need to make a phone call tomorrow. Thanks. Hope you are doing well! Lisa :O)
